We are delighted to announce that EAL HUB conferences are returning for 2024

Due to the huge success of the 1 day events in early 2020  (a number of which had to be cancelled due to the pandemic) Beth will be visiting a number of locations to share amazing ideas for working with EAL Learners from new arrivals to advanced bilinguals. These events are ideal for EAL coordinators, teachers with EAL Learners in their classes, TAs supporting EAL students and SLT. The day will be a mix of information, practical activities, applying things to your own setting and learning from others. The sessions will also share the new EAL platform EAL STAR and offer delegates big discounts for both  EAL STAR and Inclusion Hub memberships 🙂 All sessions will run based on minimum numbers being met so please do spread the events to others in your trust, network or local schools.





Book Here

Bury19th January 2024The Village Bury£129Book Bury
Birmingham26th January 2024TBC£129Book Birmingham
Sheffield2nd February 2024TBC£129Book Sheffield
Bristol7th February 2024TBC£129Book Bristol
London9th February 2024TBC£129Book London
Leicester12th February 2024TBC£129Book Leicester
All events are subject to minimum booking numbers.



Broad outline of the day:

Registration and refreshments.
Integration and Barriers to Learning

•           Reviewing the first steps to integration, preparing for new arrivals and looking at assessment.

•           Considering the whole child

•           Working with parents to integrate students effectively.

•           School auditing and creating an inclusive environment

Coffee Break – A look at resources and books
The importance of explicitly teaching vocabulary

•           Which words do we have to teach?

•           The link between teaching vocabulary and developing reading/writing.

•           Whole school ideas and strategies for teaching words, phonics and its role for New to English learners


Lunch Break.
Strategies, activities, and ideas for supporting new to English EAL Learners

•   Developing questioning techniques

•   Substitution tables

•   Using video and images

•   Developing questioning techniques

•   A range of other strategies and ideas for classroom support


Questions and finish


Some feedback from previous conference days…