About Beth

Beth Southern is the creator of both EAL HUB and EAL STAR and is an experienced EAL Consultant and a Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) for EAL. She has a wealth of in school experience across both primary and secondary, within state sector and private education. Between 2011 – 2013 Beth undertook a range of post graduate qualifications including a Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching Bilingual Learners and a Masters Degree in Language Education, which she passed with distinction.

Beth was Head of EAL at a large inner-city academy in Manchester for 4 years and then a Leading Teacher for EAL at a local council. She has worked with EAL pupils for the last 20 years and has a wide range of experience of working with International Schools around the world. Her training sessions enable teachers and TAs to gain confidence in assessing EAL learners and planning next step support by demonstrating ideas, resources and differentiation which staff can take away and use in school immediately.

Her school reviews are highly regarded as an excellent all round health check of your provision, Beth works in a positive and encouraging way to help schools get on the right track from pre-arrival to assessment, interventions and scaffolded class support.

What We Offer

SLE and consultancy can be offered for a bespoke provision, looking at your school holistically and planning next steps for improving your EAL offering. Beth is very experienced at working with EAL Leads and SLT, offering achievable next step suggestions and ongoing support as required.

We can offer a generic session that covers many of the most popular areas in regards to working with EAL learner or, depending on the needs of the school, the sessions can be adapted to incorporate more specific training on aspects such as:

School Reviews

One of our most popular methods of support, a School Review is bespoke to your setting and the perfect choice for a new department or one that wants a shake up to assess what is going well and any areas for improvement.

As an experienced consultant and Specialist leader of Education for EAL, Beth conducts all of the Reviews herself and it begins before she even arrives. You will be sent a questionnaire to scrutinise your current provision and this will form the basis of further discussions on the day. Beth will look at your setting, the environment, policies, procedures, assessment and data to look at ways to streamline and update your offering. This usually results in a lot of saved time and a more robust and effective provision.

The day ends with feedback to relevant people (EAL Lead, SLT etc) and a full written report with next steps guidance and support is sent within a week of the Review.

If your focus is on EAL then this is the training for you!

ONE DAY MINI REVIEW (Suitable for primaries and small secondaries)

  • £700

1.5 DAY REVIEW (Suitable for secondaries)

  • £1000

Travel expenses outside the North West apply

Areas of support - schools can mix and match dependant on need:

  • New Arrivals and the first steps to integration
    (primary and secondary)
  • Assessing EAL Learners
  • The importance of understanding vocabulary and how to boost it in your lessons (primary and secondary)
  • Boosting reading and writing in Advanced Bilinguals (primary and some secondary subjects)
  • Use of images and film with EAL Learners (primary and some
    secondary subjects)
  • Working with parents to develop community cohesion (primary
    and secondary)
  • Effective intervention methods and strategies (primary and
    secondary TAs)
  • A session for TAs working with EAL learners (primary and secondary)
  • Developing the role of the EAL coordinator (consultancy based session)
  • Involving EAL learners in whole class texts (primary and
    secondary English)
  • The use of picture books for developing vocabulary (primary and some secondary subjects)
  • Supporting EAL learners in Maths (secondary maths teachers)
  • Supporting EAL learners in Science (secondary science teachers)
  • SEN or EAL, differences and similarities
  • How to use EAL HUB resources effectively as a whole school (this session is available to subscribers for just £150 as a standalone twilight)

Courses can be booked as

  • 9:00am – 3:00pm

    Full Day
  • 9am – 12:30 or 12:30 – 4:00pm

    Half Day
  • 3:00 – 5:30pm


Shorter versions are also available for INSET sessions or conference sessions. Times can usually be adjusted to suit your school day.

Prices for a single school:


  • £850

    (9am – 3pm)
    Full Day

  • £450

    (9 – 12:30pm or
    12:30 – 4:00pm)
    Half Day

  • £300

    (3:30 – 5:30pm)

  • (Currently no VAT)


  • £700

    (9am – 3pm)
    Full Day

  • £400

    (9 – 12:30pm or
    12:30 – 4:00pm)
    Half Day

  • £280

    (3:30 – 5:30pm)

  • (Currently no VAT)

Cluster School Options

Prices stated above are for single schools.

For two schools clustering the half day price drops to £350 per school and for three or more schools the cost is £300 per school. For Full days the price drops to £700 per school and for three or more schools it is £500 per school.

Email: beth@ealhub.co.uk to book


Beth is also available to work in a 1:1 capacity with Heads of EAL and EAL Coordinators via tailored consultancy, if you are interested then please get in touch with Beth to discuss your needs – beth@ealhub.co.uk

Rates for Consultancy
(stand alone training day – working with Head of EAL or SLT):
  • £400

    Half Day

  • £800

    Full Day

All consultancy sessions provide a post visit review that will be emailed within a week of the visit. Follow up visits can be booked with a 20% discount. Longer term relationships and multiple date bookings can be priced as per BLOCK BOOKING rate above.

Travel outside of North West of England will be chargeable on all types of training/support.