Pharaoh Power Pack

YouTube video

P.O.W.E.R Packs are comprehensive resource packs that contain 5 resources based around an animated short movie. They are ideal for bridging experience gaps, covering gritty topics or as a pre-teach for a new topic. They involve a range of speaking and writing activities and can be broken down in to more than one session. Activities do not all have to be completed.

  • P – Pronunciation – this sections focuses on children practising pronunciation and knowledge of de-coding;
  • O – Objects – children will watch the animations and look for key objects, this will develop their vocabulary and understanding;
  • W – Words – we have selected 10 key words that are relevant to the animation, this activity allows children to learn them, translate them to their first language and more;
  • E – Emotions – the resources will ask you to pause the video at key places to allow children to see facial expressions, this helps children connect expressions with feelings;
  • R – Review – Children will complete a story board to highlight key moments in the animation, using the new language that they have discovered.